What are the Common Lifestyle Habits that Cause Veins?

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Knowing the cause of varicose and spider veins can make it easier to successfully treat the condition. Save yourself from a lot of time and health issues if you’re trying home methods that are not working properly and restore your legs for the esthetic purpose also. You have a better possibility of fixing leg spider veins nj problems when you understand what causes them. In this article, we see the most common causes of varicose veins or spider veins:

  1. Aging - Aging is the most common cause of weak and bulged vein legs. Frequent hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause cause many older women to lose flexibility and condition in leg spider vein.
  1. Diet - Poor and unhealthy diet is another major factor causing loss of skin elasticity. The result of nutritional needs is limited leg circulation causing legs and ankles to swell possibly resulting in leg spider vein nj
  1. Genetics - If your blood relation has varicose veins, spider veins, or tired vein center paramus legs, the chances of developing the veins increased.
  1. Poorly functioning valves - One-way valves in the deep veins of the legs prevent the backward flow of blood within the spider vein woodland park. If they are functioning poorly, blood flows the wrong way from the deep to the superficial veins which become enlarged, twisted, and bulging.
  1. Pregnancy - In order to carry the growing fetus during pregnancy, blood flow is increased in your body, however, the flow is decreased from your legs to your pelvis. This increases high pressure or blood flow on leg veins and may weaken them.
  1. Sitting or standing for a long period of time - Standing and walking upright for long periods of time can increase pressure in your leg veins and in your lower body. And this is the reason the veins are most commonly affected in the lower legs and feet.
  1. Overweight - Excessive weight gain or obesity puts pressure on the legs, increasing the possibility of developing varicose veins that need varicose vein treatment new jersey. Tall, overweight women are more likely to develop venous problems or experience tired, painful legs.
  1. Lack of Movements - Lack of exercise or movement such as walking, swimming, or bicycling, for instance, can result in added pressure on veins and poor blood circulation in the legs.
  1. Tight Clothing - High heels and garments that are tight, especially around the waist can restrict your venous blood flow causing pooling of blood and poor circulation in the lower legs and ankles.
  1. Smoking - If you smoke be aware that it adds to elevated blood pressure, which can worsen existing spider vein new jersey,and leg problems.

These are not only caused by veins. However, if you want to know the cause of leg vein condition then go to the vein doctor and a simple ultrasound can tell you the cause of varicose veins. Unfortunately, no medical varicose vein treatment clifton can prevent new veins from becoming swollen or painful. Before undergoing any vein treatment procedure, ask your vein doctor about any health risks and possible side effects.